Marketito: A Plattform for Israel's Creatives!

Marketito: A Plattform for Israel's Creatives!

This Week's Favorites! Reading Marketito: A Plattform for Israel's Creatives! 2 minutes Next Photo Shoot With Tiffany Rina!

Last week, we took part in a wonderful event showcasing fashion designers and many other creatives in Be’er Sheba called Marketito! It took place during the Shavuot holiday and it was such a pleasure for us to take part in such a well organized out-door market place. We often adore taking part in shows and innovative ways to connect with our Hot Crown followers which is why we so quickly accepted the invitation to exhibit our lovely accessories there.

The best part about presenting our jewelry at Marketito was reaching out to an audience that we don’t often reach since our store is located in Tel Aviv. We were flattered to find how many Be’er Sheba customers showed up to support us and purchase Hot Crown accessories. We were delighted to meet two lovely clients, Olga and Moran there. Olga is a lawyer and a chic woman looking from some professional accessories for her work wardrobe. Moran’s boyfriend bought her one of our custom-made bangles for her birthday during our event and it was so sweet to be a part of their happy moment.

It was a successful day full of creative and remarkable people and was purely heartwarming to discover lovely people who follow our brand and love us out in Be’er Sheva! Check out the photos below to see some of the creative companies that were at our show!

Stay in touch for more!


-The Hot Crown Fam

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