Essentials new collection HOTCROWN

ESSENTIALY YOURS- our new collection

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Last week we launched our new collection in an intimate and fun event. Our shop filled up with essential goodies, other than the jewelery, and we were so delighted to see you arrive and fall in love with the new items. 

Our new collection is a breath of fresh air to the HOTCROWN kingdom. It’s all about those “must have” items. High quality, handmade jewelry in an accessible price. If you don’t own a HOTCROWN piece yet, this is definitely your chance to start your own HOTCROWN collection!

We are also proud and excited to add pearls to our designs. They are bright, shiny and elegant. 

Meet scarlet-  a necklace, a bracelet and an earring. We love how classic they are. 

A bit about pearls...

For centuries, pearls have been a symbol of beauty and purity. Today, they are regarded as both classic and contemporary, coming in many more fashionable styles than your grandmother’s traditional strand of pearls.

did you know? 

Natural pearls are extremely rare. Historically, many were found in the Persian Gulf; unfortunately, today, most have already been harvested. You may be able to purchase small, natural pearls, but they will be costly.

Cultured pearls are grown in pearl farms. The mollusks are raised until they are old enough to accept the mother-of-pearl bead nucleus. Through a delicate surgical procedure, the technician implants the bead and then the mollusks are returned to the water and cared for while the pearl forms.

And back to our collection...

You know that feeling when you open your overflowing closet and all you feel like wearing are your good ol’ jeans and t-shirt? So this is what the collection will make you feel. Those items you will always go back to and feel super comfortable in, feel like yourself.

All Items can be personalised by your choice- diamond colors, different stones, different gold color or anything you have in mind in order to make your first HOTCROWN a perfect one for you.

The items are also great as an affordable gift for someone you want to make happy.

The earrings are sold as singles and will look great with any earring you have in your own jewelry box.

The rings, either set with diamonds or not, are basic and minimalist and are perfect for stacking either with items from the collection or with rings from your own personal collection.

Jewelry was always considered for that special treat or special occasion shopping. So this is our idea of day to day items you don’t have to pull out once every never. They can always be on you and of course- last forever.   

We hope you love this collection as much as we do and would love to hear what you think!





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